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HomeToscanaDirittiViolenza di genere: appello in difesa della Convenzione di Istanbul

Violenza di genere: appello in difesa della Convenzione di Istanbul

Un appello anche da Firenze per salvaguardare contenuti e spirito della la Convenzione del Consiglio Europeo per la prevenzione e la lotta contro la violenza sulle donne e la violenza domestica, meglio nota come Convenzione di Istanbul.

La richiesta diffusa in Italia da DiRe, Donne in rete contro la violenza mira alla sottoscrizione della lettera che WAVE Women against violence Europe ha preparato per contrastare l’azione di 333 organizzazioni, in larghissima parte di matrice cattolica, pro-life e di destra, che “andrebbe a svuotare dall’interno un riferimento fondamentale nel contrasto alla violenza di genere”, sottolinea Teresa Bruno, presidente del centro antiviolenza Artemisia di Firenze, intervistata da Chiara Brilli.

Le firme dovranno essere comunicate alla segreteria di D.i.Re ([email protected]) con indicazione  NOME COGNOME / ASSOCIAZIONE

Di seguito il testo della lettera al Segretario generale del Consiglio d’Europa:

To the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, We, the members of the European network Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE) and our allies, are writing to express our shock and concern at the challenge made to the universal recognition of discrimination and inequality as the causes and consequences of violence against women and girls and its inclusion in the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention). This challenge was made in a letter sent to you. We believe that the recommendations in this letter directly undermine the prevention and protection of women and girls from all forms of violence. WAVE has been working in the field of combating violence against women and girls and implementing women’s human rights since 1994, and we are deeply committed to universal principles of gender equality and women’s human rights. We strongly affirm our full support for the Istanbul Convention as well as its monitoring Committee GREVIO and we totally reject any call to subject the core provisions of the Convention to reservations. We recognize the Istanbul Convention as the most comprehensive regional and international tool combating gender based violence against women and domestic violence. We strongly believe that ratification and the full implementation of the Istanbul Convention will significantly reduce women’s vulnerability to violence and facilitate a more equal and fairer society for everyone. We do this in solidarity with other organisations, including the European Women’s Lobby, who have also expressed concern at this letter.

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